Kimberly Komarov

Kimberly entered into recovery at 33 after hitting bottom. Initially her only goal was to simply stop drinking and using, but she ended up thriving in a life centered around her higher power, fellowship, and service.

Born in New York City and growing up in an addict/alcoholic environment, the only way she knew how to cope with life was using people, alcohol, drugs, and food. Recovery has given Kimberly freedom, serenity, and the ability to live life on life’s terms.

Kimberly felt a call to help others by becoming a recovery coach, receiving her CCAR coach credential. She got connected to HardBeauty after a recovery “sister” referred her to a coach, while simultaneously receiving a recommendation from her kid’s piano teacher. In addition to her CCAR credential, Kimberly is pursuing a certificate in Youth Intervention Coaching from YCI.

I am so excited to walk along people who are in recovery and support them in finding the joy in life that I did in recovery.”