Nathan comes from an intercultural broken family background where addiction, abuse, and trauma of all manner were the norm. After 15 years of heavy substance use wrestling with big life questions, he entered recovery at age 22 despite sexual abuse traumas, multiple suicide attempts, and the deaths of many friends in his presence.
In his 17 years of recovery Nathan’s journey has taken him to over 25 countries as a personal & organizational leadership coach and development specialist. In the world of peer support he is passionate about walking alongside sexual and spiritual abuse survivors.
Nathan is a life-long learner with multiple degrees and certifications in the human sciences and services fields. He is an ordained pastor and CCAR and Choices credentialed recovery coach.
Nathan loves spending time with his amazing family, and can be found enjoying all manner of outdoor activities, competitive weightlifting, skateboarding, writing, reading, creating art, tattooing, making music, and podcasting.
Nothing is so lost to be beyond hope; change is always possible”