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Welcome to HardBeauty


We offer a brave space for those navigating the storms of life, recognizing that each person’s path is unique, and we are here to support you, wherever you are on your journey to recovery and healing.
We believe in the transformative power of community and connection. Here, you are welcomed with open arms, exactly as you are. This is not AA or NA – this is a place where whole-life recovery is embraced and celebrated.

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Introducing Tougher Together – a weekly online support group for moms on a recovery journey, led by recovery coaches who are also moms in recovery. Join us to meet other moms like you, share your triumphs and challenges in both motherhood and recovery. Come weekly, or drop in as needed – we are here for you because you are one tough mother.

Tougher Together is brought to you by Tough as a Mother and HardBeauty. Tough as a Mother is a public awareness campaign working to humanize and destigmatize the struggle of substance misuse, while connecting pregnant and parenting moms to treatment and recovery supports in their communities.