My Coach…

With Racquel as my coach, I had someone in my life who listened to my every problem, no matter how big or small, and helped me see the bright side of every dark moment. She helped me see solutions to problems I thought were unsolvable, and through her I realized just what I was capable of. Throughout the time we spent together, we shared tears, laughter, and praise. Many times when I came to her, I would rant about my day. In very few words, we would find a solution and come to a “hell yeah!” moment. The praise this woman gave me for seeing what I am capable of brought me tears of happiness. Not only has Racquel given me an amazing life coach, but she has given me a friend and person to come to when I feel I have nobody.  There are not enough words to describe how amazing Racquel is, and how much she’s helped me. She helped me out of one of my lowest lows, and pointed out things I knew about myself, but didn’t have the strength to appreciate. I’m so thankful for you, Racquel.